Hi, I'm new here. I did a quick search but found nothing. I have a standard 10 gallon tank with a Marineland LED hood (http
/www.marineland.com/Products/aquarium-lighting/LED-Aquarium-Lighting/led-aquarium-hoods.aspx )and was wondering what plants I can grow to help control Nitrates. Currently, I've got some Aponogeton that I grew from bulbs purchased at Wal-Mart (the greatest pet store ever (sarcasm)). Although, with 6 different plants, they seem to be growing 3 different ways. 1 variety has leaves on the surface of the water, which block out a lot of light and has algae growing on them. I want to get rid of those and put in something else... maybe a large-ish leafed plant. Another has long, thin, submerged leaves and looks nice. I want to keep it. The other has surface leaves and some small crinkly leaves below the surface. Wouldn't mind keeping. So if you have any idea what I'm saying (can you ID the plants and suggest new ones), please reply.
Thanks for your help,
PS I tried to attach pics but they were to big.

Thanks for your help,
PS I tried to attach pics but they were to big.