Kia Ora
Hi I am buying a 130L AquaStyle 620T or a 135L EVO 70 soon and I am wondering which plants to use.
I will have 10 neon tetras, 8 pearl danio, 6 Cory Catfish, 1 bristlenose catfish (pleco).
These are my options:
Floating water moss
Water clover
Java moss
Water sprite
Anubia (nanas?)
Amazon sword plant
I will be getting some Java Fern for this tank but I am wondering what else to put with it.
Not sure when I am buying this tank because I am currently in the process of moving house.
I can put links for these tanks if you would like them!
I will have 10 neon tetras, 8 pearl danio, 6 Cory Catfish, 1 bristlenose catfish (pleco).
These are my options:
Floating water moss
Water clover
Java moss
Water sprite
Anubia (nanas?)
Amazon sword plant
I will be getting some Java Fern for this tank but I am wondering what else to put with it.
Not sure when I am buying this tank because I am currently in the process of moving house.
I can put links for these tanks if you would like them!