What Plants To Use?

Jan 6, 2013
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Hi I am buying a 130L AquaStyle 620T or a 135L EVO 70 soon and I am wondering which plants to use.
I will have 10 neon tetras, 8 pearl danio, 6 Cory Catfish, 1 bristlenose catfish (pleco).
These are my options:
Floating water moss
Water clover
Java moss
Water sprite
Anubia (nanas?)
Amazon sword plant

I will be getting some Java Fern for this tank but I am wondering what else to put with it.
Not sure when I am buying this tank because I am currently in the process of moving house.
I can put links for these tanks if you would like them!

Do you know what lighting the tanks come with?
Um will just give you the link to the online pet store that I use (for prices only have not bought anything from them yet!)
This is the 130L AquaStyle 620T: http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/detail/view/aqua-one-ar620t-aquarium-black/m/925/
This is the 135L EVO 70: http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/detail/view/evo-70/m/925/
I hope that helps! :D
I'd go with the Evo70 as it has an external filter but it doesn't say how powerful the lighting is,if its similar to the other then all low light plants will be fine.
Hello thank you I will most likely get the EVO70 the only thing is my LFS didn't have them today when I went. However I did see a tank I liked called Atlantis and its by blue planet. I haven't been able to find it online to show you though.
With the plants I am not sure which ones to get (I will still get the java fern) as the pet shop just advertised their plants as "aquatic plants" one pet shop I went to did sell anubias nana which was labelled. I am looking at the NZ online auction sites (trademe and sella) for aquatic plants that I am guaranteed to know which type. Will most plants be okay for posting/shipping? I will try to avoid this but a lot of the plants seem to be on the other side of the country!
Thank you for all of your help PS3Steveo!
The plants will be fine, plants get imported all the time from different countries. :)

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