Fish Crazy
Okay so.. I've asked this question numerous times and never get a straight answer.
I have a 90 gallon cichlid tank..
I can not/WILL NOT use my tap water! I don't trust it, for all I know, it has caused the problems that I'm recently dealing with in my tank.. there is ongoing street work on my water lines as of right now, I am randomly put on boil order, the tap water is "disinfected" so for 48 hours it has to be boiled for myself to even drink it.. God knows what they put in the tap water. I've always had terrible tap water parameters as it is.. Already comes loaded with 4.0ppm of ammonia, .20ppm nitrates, etc.. So it does not help my tank when I do water changes with it.
I have had people tell me NOT to use distilled because it lacks essential minerals, I have had people tell me NOT to use purified because it can have dangerous additives in it and large amounts of TDS's (total dissolved solids).. so what CAN I use?!
Or I have heard of people telling me that it is in fact okay to use distilled as long as you "re-mineralize" it.. How do you do this?
It's all so confusing with the answers I get.
I have a 90 gallon cichlid tank..
I can not/WILL NOT use my tap water! I don't trust it, for all I know, it has caused the problems that I'm recently dealing with in my tank.. there is ongoing street work on my water lines as of right now, I am randomly put on boil order, the tap water is "disinfected" so for 48 hours it has to be boiled for myself to even drink it.. God knows what they put in the tap water. I've always had terrible tap water parameters as it is.. Already comes loaded with 4.0ppm of ammonia, .20ppm nitrates, etc.. So it does not help my tank when I do water changes with it.
I have had people tell me NOT to use distilled because it lacks essential minerals, I have had people tell me NOT to use purified because it can have dangerous additives in it and large amounts of TDS's (total dissolved solids).. so what CAN I use?!
Or I have heard of people telling me that it is in fact okay to use distilled as long as you "re-mineralize" it.. How do you do this?
It's all so confusing with the answers I get.