What Is This...?


New Member
Nov 26, 2012
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So I'm not all that new to the hobby, but I do have a question. 
What is this? The white sort of translucent thing near the roots of that fern? I thought it might be an egg or eggs. I have snails, shrimp, 3 honey gouramis, and 6 galaxy rasboras. It couldn't be a gourami egg because they lay their eggs in bubble beds, and it doesn't look like trumpet snail or pond snail which are two of the different species of snail I have since those appear to mostly lay eggs in clusters, and couldn't be assassin snail either because I only just got those yesterday and I'm pretty sure it was there before they were. Doesn't look like shrimp egg, so that leaves the rasboras, but is it too big to be rasbora? Is it even eggs at all? If not then what is it? Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks!


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It is probably the gel that the plant is packed it. It is harmless for your tank, some of my plants still had it on a few months ago, but it does not dissolve in your tank.
But it was definitely not there before. I've had those ferns for months already, and I only just noticed this recently. And my plants weren't packed in gel, at least as far as I could tell. They just came in a clear plastic bag. 
There is a small snail on the rock to the left of the plant, but I guess your talking about the white thing in the plant.
It could be the spent shell off a shrimp
When you look close can you see tiny little eggs in there? Could be a clutch of snail eggs.
No, I can't see any clusters of small eggs inside. And yes I know there is a small snail on the rock to the left, and yes I am talking about the white thing. I've seen spent shrimp shells, and not even just pictures online but an actual spent shell in my own tank. They don't look like that. They look like an empty shell, shaped like a shrimp. 
I still think its the plant gel. Although you may not have bought the plant in the gel pack, chances are the store or suppliers probably got it in the gel.  Pull it off and see if another shows up.
Ah. I see it. i'm not blind. That's a live plant, yes? When you bought it did it come in a pot and with sponge stuff around the roots? I think that's what it is.

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