New Member
So I was at my friends today and he feels his tank is nearly done cycling. He was going to do a water test later to be sure (wife was picking up kit on her way home). We were both wondering what the white, milky film was all over his glass and air hoses. He has also started to get some brown algae, he was asking me about. I unfortunately had no info for him, as algae really dose not get much chance to grow in my tank as the plecos and snails seem to take of that issue. So what I am asking, on his behalf, what is the white film? Can he scrub of the white film from his glass without destroying the cycle and/or causing some other harm? What is the cause of brown algae, is it a concern? Should he get rid of it or get a pleco in there once the cycling is completed for a week or two?The brown algae is only growing on some of his boulders, flat rocks and the slate. It seems to have come on pretty fast. It is in a 45g tank and has a few African Cichlids in it. He is brand new to the hobby and did not know to not listen to Petland employees. Funny thing is I met him at the store and heard the employee give him terrible info in regards to stocking his tank and I interrupted them and set the record straight (when it comes to the well being of any living being I am not shy to speak up for them). Please advise.