What Is This Tropical Fish!


Fish Fanatic
May 8, 2012
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I watcher him grow up and it has alway got my attention, i do not know what he
is but lovely regardless. i have platies, swordtail, guppies, mollies and
endlers in my tank - which mix is this guys!! :blink:
IMG-20120430-01207 SMALLER.jpg
Isn't it molly-guppy or platy-swordtail that can interbreed? :S

I'll move your post to the common livebearers section - someone there should be able to help :good:
That looks like a platy. I had one just like that, white front half, red back half. Then it developed black markings.
Platies can have different colours and markings.
The swordtails usually have a sharper beak but not as sharp as a platy. That looks more like a molly (dalmatian molly) since it has rounder mouth.

^ Molly round mouth.
Swordtails with the dalmatian pattern usually are transparent, not that white.
And I have yet to see a platy that has that opaque white either.

EDIT: On google images there seems to be a pretty close dalmatian platy but not sure if it is that opaque or it's the lighting.
it looks like a platy or possibly a molly X platy but it is more likely to be just a platy
Looks like a dalmatian molly in the front, guppy in the tail.
i think its a guppy molly. i got another batch of fry. i have been watching them grow and one is similar to this grown up. it has a pale blue tail and white body. i shall add a picture of this once its bigger. i do see where your all coming from with regarding to it being a platy but by platies are alll a lovely deep red and not half white/dalmatian. :shout:
i think its a guppy molly. i got another batch of fry. i have been watching them grow and one is similar to this grown up. it has a pale blue tail and white body. i shall add a picture of this once its bigger. i do see where your all coming from with regarding to it being a platy but by platies are alll a lovely deep red and not half white/dalmatian. :shout:
Not all platies are red, some are blue, green, yellow, transparent... not sure if that on google images really is a platy though, as most of their fish on the webpage are written wrong, so it could be a molly too.

A guppy-dalmatian molly hybrid though, it could be, mostly due to the red tail.
I think its a guppy molly, but theose hybrids tend to be weak and die
And I've heard they are males only. That one looks like a female.
EDIT: no, wait, it is a male, didn't see right. But muppies got a different shape though.

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