What is this snail in my tank?

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2011
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Looks like your normal common / pond snail.

Love them or hate them they are fairly good for aqauriums as they help with algae and are a natural addition.

Personally I dont mind them at all and in fact have some Assassin snails as well as loads of MTS and ramshorn snails (in separate tanks).

Think snails are of more benefit to a tank than not, though of course if you overfeed your tank, then you will likely get overpopulation of snails. Though there are a few options on how to attempt to get rid of them.
Id say dont worry unless you really dont like them. I got a few too many pond snails for my liking so i got some assassins. Cleared em up too well almost... And my tank is now littered with empty shells
To back this up I have gone through the pain of having these lil buggers over populated my 10G now manually removing them :p Getting better though!.But yes its a pond snail cause I have one that looks like that
SnailPocalypse i feel like your name is appropriate here ...

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