What is this fish?

Went in a pet shop at the weekend and saw my little pink fish, in a tank with little blue ones,exactly the same as mine, but blue -_- will they be dyed, or a cross between something,they had them up as blue parrots :blink:
OK now listen they are convics,
here is a picture of an adult male
and some of my other 81 of them
and no they are not albino, albino's have


Paradise_Gourami said:
Its definatly a blood parrot, which is a hybrid between like a severn and i think either an oscar or midas.
...Can sevs even breed with oscars?? :blink:
I don't know all that much about hybrids, but it seems like they'd be so different that that would be impossible.

Since I actually saw my first small BP this weekend, I can assure you that's not what it is... probably a jellybean parrot, as has been mentioned.
the males get approx 6" and the females get approx 4"
tha same as convics!!!

their are two ways for an animal or fish to be "white" or have none of the colors as its relitives,
either it is an alboino whick are easily determined by lookng for their trademark red eyes.
or they have no pigment, which is sometimes just called white even though they are normally more pink in color.

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