What is happening to my fry!?


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So yesterday I got up and I only had 9 fry out of the 40-50 I had the day before THEN today I woke up to 3... What is going on? The female doesnt look bigger amd the male is a good size a s well... Is it possible there is some sort of other living thing in my aquarium killing them at night? Its really confusing me at this point... It seems as though they only disappear at night and then when I wake up they are gone. This makes me believe its some sort of nocturnal creature hiding in my tank. They are fed well and have been growing alright for their species...
Any shrimp in the tank?

They could be starving to death.

Try leaving the tank light on at night for a week and see if they still disappear.
There are no shrimp.

I feed them a good portion of powdered up pellets and infusoria 3 times a day, sometimes 4.

Would leaving the light on stress the fish? That seems like it wouldnt be good to do
I expect the food was too large. I haven't bred Tateurndina (I've tried) but I would treat them like rainbows for the first week or two. Superfine foods - I doubt you can get any pellets fine enough, even with grinding. Krill fines and the smallest golden pearls, til they reach the size where they can eat artemia nauplii. Infusoria will support a few fry, but rarely a full batch.

I have a big hatchout of M. boesemani ongoing, and they can't even take coral food for the first few feedings. This is the latest in a lot of generations, and I've learned micro-foods have to be really micro.
I see them eat the food provided though. I put a few pellets in a snack bag and use a meat tenderizer hammer to crush it into a very fine powder... I mix that with the infusoria and put it in. Then they eat it. As soon as I put it in they zoom around to get it
This is how I have always fed fry
This is how I have always fed fry
Thanks! I was feeding egg yolk to my previous batch but didnt feed it like that... Hopefully I can find some sort of cloth to use. Thank you for the help!
Maybe I am just fortunate in that when I get fry, they muck in with everyone else, eat whatever is there...no specialised foods, just what everyone else is given. I thought I had just the one BN baby...nope....at last count (and they are really helpful cos they all hang out together) I have at least 10 of the blighters, all around an inch long, very healthy and no feeding issues with them or the Ram or Cory fry....they all seem ridiculously healthy and hearty.

As for generalisations, I would estimate that only around 10 to 20% of fry actually manage to get to the "I can see you" and able to stand up for themselves stage. Most get eaten by parents or other tankmates, some die due to genetic defect and some are the proverbial runts who didn't get a good start from hatching and are basically weaker and die.

Your fish are still quite young, they are very inexperienced as parents...and you sometimes find that what appears to be very attentive parenting (since you are new to the world of babies yourself aswell) possibly isn't as attentive as maybe they will be once they have had a few more batches and have figured out what they are meant to be doing.

It is very rare that you will get a 100% survivability rate on fry and there are a multitude of reasons why they don't make it. As you become more experienced and you try different feeding methods...and the fish themselves mature...then you might get an average 20% survivability if you are lucky. The more tetchy or demanding the fish, quite often the lower the percentage.

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