What In The World Is Growing On This Guppy?!?


New Member
Sep 9, 2016
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I have a guppy that has developed brown-ish white, spiny protrusions on the top, bottom and side fins that look like tree branches. Anyone have any idea what this is? I can't find anything even remotely close online. Pic attached.


  • Guppy.jpg
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They look like they could be Anchor Worms, if so these are very contagious to other fish.
There are a few treatments available, and because of the free swimming offspring the entire tank will most likely need treating.
Option 1
potassium permanganate dip at 100mg/2.5 gallons of water.
 Option 2
Salt dip
Formalin dip at 2 to 4 ml Formalin/2.5 gallons of water for 30 minutes, the fish may lose equilibrium and must immediately be transferred to clean, fresh water
Modern antiparasitics (such as Disco-worm, Fluke tabs, and Clout) may help
Salt in the aquarium at 1 to 2 tablespoons may help prevent secondary infections
Option 3
This option is really only viable on large easy to hold fish, but you can manually with tweezers carefully pull the anchor worms off the affected fish. This method however can cause open wounds that may develop secondary infections.
If you have a holding tank of sorts you could pull them off with tweasers and keep them in the holding tank. you could also put Vaseline on the open wounds.

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