Sometime between the hours of 3:00 PM and 10:00 PM (basically right now), my crowntail, Phoenix, died. I'm not entirely sure why or how.
This is a 10 gallon tank with a Top Fin 10 filter, cycled, heated to 78 degrees (actually planned on installing the new heater today to eventually get the temp to 82F). Last water change was yesterday, around 60%. Dechlorinated with Stress Coat, added fertilizers for the eight or so plants.
I've had this tank for one year plus one week.
Only tank mates are pest snails and one nerite snail which I found dead yesterday. Attached are two photos of his body. Notice how he is floating with his head upwards, like he is trying to breathe for air, but can't, you know, because he's dead. His body doesn't seem I show any signs of damage.
Lately we have been working on regrowing his fins after a disastrous attempt at dividing the tank to suit another male betta. We've had a diatom issue. We've also had some rather obnoxious pest nails who keep eating my ludwigia.
I'm testing the water now. I'll post the results in just a tick.
Ammonia and nitrite are zero. I don't typically test for nitrate because I find I can never get a consistent reading. :\
This is a 10 gallon tank with a Top Fin 10 filter, cycled, heated to 78 degrees (actually planned on installing the new heater today to eventually get the temp to 82F). Last water change was yesterday, around 60%. Dechlorinated with Stress Coat, added fertilizers for the eight or so plants.
I've had this tank for one year plus one week.
Only tank mates are pest snails and one nerite snail which I found dead yesterday. Attached are two photos of his body. Notice how he is floating with his head upwards, like he is trying to breathe for air, but can't, you know, because he's dead. His body doesn't seem I show any signs of damage.
Lately we have been working on regrowing his fins after a disastrous attempt at dividing the tank to suit another male betta. We've had a diatom issue. We've also had some rather obnoxious pest nails who keep eating my ludwigia.
I'm testing the water now. I'll post the results in just a tick.

Ammonia and nitrite are zero. I don't typically test for nitrate because I find I can never get a consistent reading. :\