What Gourami In A 60L


May 8, 2012
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In a month our 2 I plan on getting a pair of gourami for my community 60l tank which has 7 neon tetra and a bristlenose plec, but what I would like to know is which gourami would be best for my tank, I was thinking either dwarf our honey. any adivce would be helpful thanks
If its only 60l id stick a breeding pair of dwarf guarami in if you stuck two males in they'd fight and possibly attack the tetra's, but a male and female dwarf guarami should settle in nicely, hope that helps.
I would go for dwarf myself :) They are very pretty
i got 2 honeys but had to take 1 back as it was bullying the other one which I was suprised at.
i got 2 honeys but had to take 1 back as it was bullying the other one which I was suprised at.

Yeah, bit odd, both male? just fighting for dominance?
I nearly got a couple about a month ago, but got a few female betta, tried to breed my male... he just got beat up by the 2nd female i put in, cos my 1st attempt was a juvenile male dragon scaled betta lol. mis-sold as a female lol so never really worked! But kind of want rid of the females now the male is a wooose! lol
i got 2 honeys but had to take 1 back as it was bullying the other one which I was suprised at.

Yeah, bit odd, both male? just fighting for dominance?
I nearly got a couple about a month ago, but got a few female betta, tried to breed my male... he just got beat up by the 2nd female i put in, cos my 1st attempt was a juvenile male dragon scaled betta lol. mis-sold as a female lol so never really worked! But kind of want rid of the females now the male is a wooose! lol
in the store we couldent tell what sex they were as they are just juveniles, but they both males i guess even the shop owner was shocked that one was attacking the other as they are supposed to be the most placid gourami.
Then until you can sex them, dont get another. As honey gourami males are simply beautiful when in breeding condition.
Then until you can sex them, dont get another. As honey gourami males are simply beautiful when in breeding condition.
Yea I'am not going to, I just swapped the aggresive one for 3 more neons, maybe if I get a bigger tank I will get some females, but gotta persuade the mother to let me get it as I just got my 60l in april. now i love it and want bigger.
Awww, its a shame you didn't get lucky with a breeding pair because they are lovely under the right kind of conditions. Better luck in the future :)

On an unrelated note, i am planning to upgrade to a marina style aquarium pretty soon (albeit a different size to yours) and was wondering if you like it and if not, why?
Thanks for any help :D
Awww, its a shame you didn't get lucky with a breeding pair because they are lovely under the right kind of conditions. Better luck in the future :)

On an unrelated note, i am planning to upgrade to a marina style aquarium pretty soon (albeit a different size to yours) and was wondering if you like it and if not, why?
Thanks for any help :D
I really like mine its got a good lighting system and easy to clean the only thing I dont like is the filter you get with them the marina s15, its annoying when it continues to buzz but once you get it in the right position its fine but I would reccomend getting an after market filter if you can. heres a vid of mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEDd1AkEH3E&feature=plcp
i have just bred my honey gouramis and the male looked amazing. however the other tank inhabitants got batterd. female fighters aswell. i took the fry away once free swimming and the next day more eggs. had to take the female away and all otger tankmate untill fry can be removed then keep the pair separated. i only had them a few days before they bred so very easy so i would just get a male
Awww, its a shame you didn't get lucky with a breeding pair because they are lovely under the right kind of conditions. Better luck in the future :)

On an unrelated note, i am planning to upgrade to a marina style aquarium pretty soon (albeit a different size to yours) and was wondering if you like it and if not, why?
Thanks for any help :D
I really like mine its got a good lighting system and easy to clean the only thing I dont like is the filter you get with them the marina s15, its annoying when it continues to buzz but once you get it in the right position its fine but I would reccomend getting an after market filter if you can. heres a vid of mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEDd1AkEH3E&feature=plcp

Thanks, that really helps me a lot.
Oh by the way, your fish all look nice and perky and your tank looks lovely; don't suppose you know what kind of substrate that is? :p
Awww, its a shame you didn't get lucky with a breeding pair because they are lovely under the right kind of conditions. Better luck in the future :)

On an unrelated note, i am planning to upgrade to a marina style aquarium pretty soon (albeit a different size to yours) and was wondering if you like it and if not, why?
Thanks for any help :D
I really like mine its got a good lighting system and easy to clean the only thing I dont like is the filter you get with them the marina s15, its annoying when it continues to buzz but once you get it in the right position its fine but I would reccomend getting an after market filter if you can. heres a vid of mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEDd1AkEH3E&feature=plcp

Thanks, that really helps me a lot.
Oh by the way, your fish all look nice and perky and your tank looks lovely; don't suppose you know what kind of substrate that is? :p
I do actually, its just gravel from a big bucket in jollyes pet superstores its only 50p per kg which is why I got it, but you need to give it a good clean before you put it in youre tank. hope this helps.

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