What Fish Have You Bred?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2011
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A few days ago there was an interesting post about what fish people have had over their fishkeeping lives so I was wondering... what fish have people managed to breed either by accidend or on purpose?

I have managed so far..... Guppies! (Wow, huh?)
Guess it doesn't count if your slutty livebearer came to your home already preggo huh? :fun:
Guppies, Swords, Platys, Angelfish

Going to attempt Bettas & Corys soon :good:

Although to say i "bred" them is a bit of an exageration. They do it all themselves, I just had to remove their tank mates when they went psychotic.
Convicts, kribensis, blood parrots, most livebearers, a few others.

Right now attempting jewel cichlids and firemouths.
Limia Tridens, see my avatar
Pearl Danios; Lionhead Cichlids; Golden Wonder Killifish; Limones Goodeids.
Goldfish, corys, guppies and platys (which don't really count!)

I do fancy setting up a tank as a specific breeding project for something worth selling.
Pearl Danios;

I'm gonna pester you in the summer then! :D

Was complete luck (perhaps brought on by the hot summer that raised the temp to ~26C), they were my first fish, back when I had a densely planted Rio240. Got worried about a pimple on some of the fish's lower lip and quarantined the group, only to find some ~5mm youngsters hiding amongst the surface plants a few weeks later. Raised the group in a breeder net to ~3cm before introducing them to the parents. "mussels" on here collected what was left of the group along with some other fish for his peaceful 6x2x2, after two awful decisions by me had lost a few (added them to my 5x2x2 without thinking the Barilius and Humphead Glassfish would consider they live lunch, after a santuary period in my Korall60 to recover then added them to the Rio240 where my Lionhead Cichlid parents went psycho on them within 30 seconds). After raising ~6 fry to ~4cm, was heartbreaking to make two awful calls in the space of a couple of months.
Platys and Swordtails. Not only did they come home preggo, but they continued to get preggo after their "6 months"

Currently attempting: Albino cories, but they don't want to get down and dirty

Plan to: My bristlenose pair, and bettas
C. aenus, Hoplosternum, Honey Gourami, (Live Bearers), Danios, Whiteclouds, Cherry barbs, Golden Barbs, Glow light tetras.

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