Hi all,
We are new to the tropical fish scene and only into the 4th week of our tank, the tank is 150 litre in size and currently the water is good and stable on the dip strips, and to double check we also took some water into the shop for a more accurate test which was also fine. Ph was stable at 7 and the tank is sitting at 25 degrees.
We followed the advise for set up etc and left for 2 weeks prior to adding fish.
We were however, I think given some bad advise when choosing our first fish?
We currently have 5 tiger barbs (3 green and 2 tiger) 2 rosy barbs and 2 koi angel fish. Currently all is well in the tank but I have read conflicting info that the angel fish may not be the best companions for the nippy tiger barbs??
We would also like more fish, but would like advise on, how many fish the tank we have will support, would more be recommended etc and also what fish to mix with the barbs so the get along. I would like a shark of some kind if possible but obviously depends on compatibility.
As much info as possible would be fantastic.
We are new to the tropical fish scene and only into the 4th week of our tank, the tank is 150 litre in size and currently the water is good and stable on the dip strips, and to double check we also took some water into the shop for a more accurate test which was also fine. Ph was stable at 7 and the tank is sitting at 25 degrees.
We followed the advise for set up etc and left for 2 weeks prior to adding fish.
We were however, I think given some bad advise when choosing our first fish?
We currently have 5 tiger barbs (3 green and 2 tiger) 2 rosy barbs and 2 koi angel fish. Currently all is well in the tank but I have read conflicting info that the angel fish may not be the best companions for the nippy tiger barbs??
We would also like more fish, but would like advise on, how many fish the tank we have will support, would more be recommended etc and also what fish to mix with the barbs so the get along. I would like a shark of some kind if possible but obviously depends on compatibility.
As much info as possible would be fantastic.