I have a 125 gallon that I haven't really stocked yet. I just moved my fish from my 55 quarantine in to it. It currently has 1 angel, 1 BGK, 6 diamond tetras, and 6 cory cats. Would else should I add I want to stay South American (amazonian) I will post below what I am planning to do. But I was wanting some suggestions.
Stock list for 125 gallon
4 Angels
1 Macana Zebra knife
1 Black Ghost knife
8 assorted cory cats
4 black neons
10 diamond tetras
4 geophagus Jurupari
4 tiger silver dollars
By the way the black neons are food that the angel never ate
Stock list for 125 gallon
4 Angels
1 Macana Zebra knife
1 Black Ghost knife
8 assorted cory cats
4 black neons
10 diamond tetras
4 geophagus Jurupari
4 tiger silver dollars
By the way the black neons are food that the angel never ate