Mostly New Member
This is what I'm planning for my Juwel Rio 240:
2x Salvini Cichlid (1 male and 1 female)
2x Blue Acara (1 male and 1 female)
Siamese Algae eater
I have done much research on all these fish. They are all compatible, and there should be enough space in the aquarium to establish territories. I'm planning on raising all these fish from juvies
I believe this is slightly understocked, which should be okay as the fish need their space
I know that the Salvini can be ultra-aggressive, but hey that's all part of the fun (the acara's can hold their own anyhow, they ARE closely related to Green Terrors afterall....)
My question is, is there anything you disagree with here and are there members who have kept any of these fish together, what can you tell me about them, is there anything I need to be aware of?
2x Salvini Cichlid (1 male and 1 female)
2x Blue Acara (1 male and 1 female)
Siamese Algae eater
I have done much research on all these fish. They are all compatible, and there should be enough space in the aquarium to establish territories. I'm planning on raising all these fish from juvies
I believe this is slightly understocked, which should be okay as the fish need their space
I know that the Salvini can be ultra-aggressive, but hey that's all part of the fun (the acara's can hold their own anyhow, they ARE closely related to Green Terrors afterall....)
My question is, is there anything you disagree with here and are there members who have kept any of these fish together, what can you tell me about them, is there anything I need to be aware of?