What Do You Think About My Current Stock?

The Duke

Fish Crazy
Mar 24, 2012
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Had my juwel 190 running about a year. Not sure I have the right mixture of stock, whether I should add or take some out, here it is.

6 sterbai cories (love these)
5 Micky mouse platies (good for adding colour)
5 x-ray tetra ( my first fish and still going strong)
2 pearl gourami (male and female)
2 splendid rainbows (male and female)
2 Bolivian rams (male and female)

Now I know my tetras should be in a bigger number for a shoal. Not sure the rainbow fish are right for the tank and read that they too are shoaling fish. Any ideas?
With a bit of guessing, that's about 40-45 inches of fish in about 40 gallons, so you're probably fully stocked already?

PS - it sounds good as it is anyway!
Yeah I know I am probably at maximum. Thought the rainbows in particular might need to go with them being shoaling fish and me only having two. I was going to add a few more x-ray tetras just to boost the group upto about eight. Think I could squeeze that in?
I say lose the rainbows and up the x-rays to 8-10. If you choose 8 you could probably also do 2 more sterbais :good:
Yes the rainbows are shoalers and you don't have enough room for a full group of 6.
Yeah I know I am probably at maximum. Thought the rainbows in particular might need to go with them being shoaling fish and me only having two. I was going to add a few more x-ray tetras just to boost the group upto about eight. Think I could squeeze that in?

Definitely. As long as you keep up with the water conditions and such, the 1 inch per gallon rule can be pretty null and void. If there's anything you should break it on, it's getting more schooling fish. They'll thank you for it, even if there's more than 1 inch per gallon of fish cause of it. Just look at my tank stocks, I'd be in big trouble if I followed that rule

75 gallon has about 120 or so inches of fish, but about half those inches are on silver dollars who sure as hell don't care cause they're in a group, and the bottom feeders who spend their days (and sometimes nights) hiding under logs

37 gallon has 68 inches of fish, but 20 of those inches are on kuhli loaches who have a low bioload and just spend their days laying on plants or spinning in circles around the glass. 36 of the inches is on red eye tetras who once again don't really care cause they have their group.

my 10 gallon has a betta, female apisto, and 7 glow light tetras, about 20 inches of fish, 14 of it on the tetras, an I'm sure as hell they're happier now than they would be in a group of say, 3, to keep the tank "properly" stocked.

Obviously, there's a bit more to stocking than how much inches of fish is in there. Activity, bioload, water changes (I do about 50% or more on each tank a week, which is honestly overkill), the area of the water they use, and the type of fish in general all play an important role.
Yeah good post that thanks. In terms of my rainbow fish, lfs reckon four is a good number. Two females and two males. However, Internet says six for a nice shoal. I have two but worried another four is going to be too much for the tank!!
Yeah good post that thanks. In terms of my rainbow fish, lfs reckon four is a good number. Two females and two males. However, Internet says six for a nice shoal. I have two but worried another four is going to be too much for the tank!!

If it's been a while since you've added anything the filter should be able to adjust to that OK!

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