Awesome, I’ll look into water sprite later today. I have a water wasteria stem plant but it doesn’t look like it’s doing to well and I can’t keep it in the substrate. I was thinking of going to one of the smaller aquarium stores in the area and seeing if they had any that looked better than the petsmart one. Would that be a good idea or should I replace it all together with a different plant?
Wisteria (species is Hygrophila difformis) is a stem plant and like most all stem plants therefore fast growing. Fast growing plants need more intense lighting to drive photosynthesis so they can grow, and in balance more nutrients. When planted in the substrate, light getting down to the lower leaves may be the issue. Wisteria can be grown floating. This way it is closer to the light so that issue is often resolved, but it may need more nutrients.
Nutrients occur from the fish being fed, and from water changes. This can be sufficient, depending upon the fish load and how much they are fed, along with the species and number of plants. Fewer plants and/or slower growing plants, require less nutrients than faster growing plants.
Are you using any plant fertilizer? If the Wisteria and other plants are growing fairly well now, and the only issue is it popping out from the substrate, there may bee no need for further fertilization.