Hi my juwel rio 180 has been running just over 6 months now and my stock level is:
copper harlequins rasboras x 12
Rummy nose tetras x 8
Bronze corys x 6
And one apistogramma cockatoo I had 3 but the male and one female just never settled in right (I may need to re home this one)
Ok I'm looking to add a group of small fish that shoal
And maybe some type of ram
I'm not sure how much more fish my tank can handle
copper harlequins rasboras x 12
Rummy nose tetras x 8
Bronze corys x 6
And one apistogramma cockatoo I had 3 but the male and one female just never settled in right (I may need to re home this one)
Ok I'm looking to add a group of small fish that shoal
And maybe some type of ram
I'm not sure how much more fish my tank can handle