What Causes Split Fins ?


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
A few weeks ago I treated my tank for Ich and also dosed with an anti-biotic for my Severum. The other fish were unaffected. A few days ago I noticed a couple splits on my Gouramis tail. I have seen my Severum give him a nip during feeding and figured it was that. Tonite I notice 2 good rips on the dorsal fin of one of my Tinfoil Barbs. The tears do not appear to be rot. They are like "splits" between the filaments ??? Should I be concerned ?

I do have Melafix but have been doing water changes to rid of the antibiotic in the tank (I have done 4 at 20%). The Ich treatment stays in the tank for 30 days (Coppersafe)...so like 1 week left. I am afraid to add anything to the tank right now.

Anything I should be doing :unsure:
When my fish are stressed, they sometimes develop splits in their fins (mainly my severums and bgk). But if many of your fish are getting them, it could be fin rot. Are the fins getting better after the tears appear? Do the tears appear gradually or all at once? What tankmates are there?

Fish usually get split fins from territorial issues. My 2 Satanoperca jurupari have them pretty frequently from their squabbling, but they heal really quick. :good:
If the fins are just split no need to add meds they heal on there own in good water quality.
Livebeareres seem to get split fins alot, but nothing to worry about if there just split and not finrot.

If a fish does have finrot melafix is only good once the fins are healing.
My cories fins (mostly dorsal and tail) seem to get splits on occasion - my bristlenose is a real bully though and when there's food on the bottom he is extremely aggressive towards them - I assume its where their splits are coming from, and not my water as my other fishes fins are fine...
Thank you friends.

Gouramis fin looks better already. The Tinfoils fin kind of has a "webby" look to it but not quite rotting away. The Severums tail fin has healed nicely, but one side fin which was pretty bad still has a couple huge gaps in it.

Looking this morning I may see a white spot on the Severums fin again. I hope this isn't happening all over again. I was in tears a few weeks ago :(

I have my heater set at 82, but the sticky side thermometer says 80. Not sure which is more accurate ??? Should I turn the heater up to 84 ?

Should I do a water change and add Coppersafe and/or anti-biotic to the new water ? I don't want to over do it.
How big is the white spot on its tail.
I think I see 2 now. They are on his side fin at the edge where it is damaged. Looks like grain of sand. I do have some sand in the tank......could it just be sand stuck to it ?
I would make sure its not sand.
If not it's whitespot.
Oh dear.

I have been treating new water with the Coppersafe up until the last one, about 25%. Should I do say a 30% water change and then treat the water for 50% of the tank ?

I am thinking what Coppersafe remains in there is weak by now. Maybe put the carbon in....wait a day...then do a 30% water change and treat the entire tank again ?

Should I turn heater up to 84 or is that too high ?
Not sure on the coppersafe med never used it.
How long have you been using it.
When you preform a water change while using the med you just add the correct amount of med back to the water removed.
It was around Feb. 12th that I sarted treating the tank for Ich. You treat it once and lasts up to 30 days. I am thinking since it is close to the 30 days now is why it returned. I did a 25% water change today and added the dosage for that amount of water, plus 2 extra tsp.s for the water change I did the other day. Since I don't know how much meds are left in the rest of the water ...only thing I can figure is to do a water change every other day and re-med. To make things more difficult is I have ammonia in my tap water and can't do much more than 25% at a time as I will get nitrite readings for about 12 hrs. UUUGGGHHH

I pray this works out :(

Still wondering if I should turn the temp up to 84 though. I have a Severum, Tinfoil Barbs, Opaline Gourmai, Rainbow fish, and a Pictus cat. Will these all be okay in that warm of water ?

Last time I also treated the tank with Maracyn-2. I am not going to do that again unless the fins seem to get worse. I hope not.
You could just do a water change and run some black carbon for say about 12 hours.
For whitespot temp should be 30, I use the different side to you.

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