What causes completely black eyes?

kitty falol

Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2004
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Hi everyone

I bought 4 guppies a couple of days ago and I noticed when I got them home that all of them had completely black eyes. I assumed that it was just because they were very small. Now I look today and they've all got white around their eyes and the blackness is smaller - they look, well, normal.

So was it the stress of moving them, or could it have been the conditions that they were kept in at the fish shop?

Just curious really

Thank you, Kathryn :fish:
kitty falol said:
So was it the stress of moving them, or could it have been the conditions that they were kept in at the fish shop?
I had a similar experiance , which i had written about in one of the qestion on this forum a few months ago. anyway i had a disease outbreak in the tank similar to ich , and i used interpets velvet and smila medicine , approx 5 minutes of me addeding it to the tank , 1 platty 2 guppies chnaged their eye colour while the 3rd sick guppy didn't , over teh course of several hours (2 days for 1) they changed back. wierd huh, when i reapplied the medicine, the same thing happened, only this time it was 1 platty and 1 guppy. it could be stress, i asked the boy from LFS and he said it could be becouse those fish in perticular where sick and it was the medicine working , don't know hwta to make of it though ?? -_-
My guppies eyes change like that but not when they are sick. I think it has to do with stress. Stress can make the colors on guppies get dull but when they calm down their colors go back to normal over time. I think its the same with the eyes.
Thank you both of you for your replies.

That does make sense. The first fish we bought only had a 5 minute journey home and they were fine, but these ones probably had a 20 minute journey. Poor things!

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