What Can I Do


Jan 5, 2012
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hi i have a fry tank with 9 fry in about 3 weeks old and 2 shrimps. i have a preg platty and a preg molly both due very soon there in a breeding trap at the moment but i dont like doing that if i put them in my fry tank will they eat my fry and my shrimps?????
Very probably. Just let them give birth in the main tank and then catch out any fry you see.
Yeah, agreeing with fluttermoth. They will be able to eat the 3 week old fry and any they give birth to too. There's not much you can do really. Breeding traps are okay if you catch them 'in the act' but I'd never leave a fish in one for more than say overnight.

Has your main tank got a lot of plant cover/decoration (bog wood etc) where fry could hide? Platy fry are better than guppy fry. Guppy fry tend to go straight to the surface and immediately get spotted and eaten. I find my platy fry head for the cover of the bog wood and plants - can't speak for molly fry though as I've never had any.

Hope you work something out anyway :)
I bred all he common live bearers. Gppy fry are dumb, and tend to swim right towards other fish. Platy fry hide, so you have to stir up the plants to find them. Molly fry tend to go right to the surface and hide in the corners. You should leave your mollie in the tank to give birth and let he Platy have the trap. Do you know how to tell if thy are ready to drop?
i have put them both in the sump tank cleared a chamber out so they can swim about

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