What Barbs Will And Wont Eat?


Fish Addict
Aug 6, 2012
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Is there a resource out there on what Barbs (Rosy Barbs and Tiger Barbs) will and wont eat in the plant world?
I know Barbs aren't the first choice for the planted tank, but having gone down this route, it's a challenge.
If there is no resource out there, let's all make one here:
Rosy Barbs does not eat Java Fern, Java Moss, Amazon Sword, Anubias Nana, Isoetes sp, Lilaeopsis
Rosy Barb does eat Dwarf Hair Grass, Cabomba,
Side note Barbs may pull up newly planted or unestablished plants if not secure even if they don't like to eat them.
Everything seems to eat aponogetons.
Nothing seems to be eating myriophyllum, even golden barbs. Crypt wendetii seem safe as well. Anubius they seem to pick at, but that may be the algae.
That's given me a good idea already, a back drop of myriophyllum. Was yourst green or red?
coolie said:
That's given me a good idea already, a back drop of myriophyllum. Was yourst green or red?
Mine is green.
Oh, they don't seem to touch the Ceratopteris thalictroides either.
Blondielovesfish said:
Are golden barbs really bad at eating plants?
Right this second I can see 2 attacking the aponogeton and 3 attacking an anubius, although I still thing that they're after the algae on that.
DrRob said:
Are golden barbs really bad at eating plants?
Right this second I can see 2 attacking the aponogeton and 3 attacking an anubius, although I still thing that they're after the algae on that.
:lol: I guess that answers my question then :p
Thats a shame, I was hoping to add some to a tank I was planning on buying and planting :/
Thats a shame, I was hoping to add some to a tank I was planning on buying and planting
I don't regret getting my Rosy Barbs. The nature of the fish are extremely playful, and they have so much character, as well as
constantly trying to breed. I think the combination of Barbs and planted will make sense when the dense ground cover will provide a natural protection for eggs and fry,
that is, with all the non-edible plants. They also don't tend to look at the plants while there is a nice green lettuce leaf clipped to the top of the tank which lasts 2 days.
I had this reply back from an eBay plant trader: " If you're after the 'potentially' hardier stem plants: Hygrophila polysperma, Hydrocotyle leucocephala, Rotala indica, Hygrophila difformis, Bacopa monneria. Those may be worth a crack"
However, I'm not so sure it is *just* the harder stems and leaves that put them off. I think Barbs (and other fish) know what tastes good and what doesn't.

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