What are these white dots on my driftwood?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2018
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Soooo. Woke up and saw these small white dots on my driftwood. The woods like 6 or 7 months old, are these eggs or some type of algae. And yes. My ram is photobombing [emoji23]

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Is the driftwood somewhat new? The white dots could be harmless fungus that appears on new driftwood.
Are the dots noticeably round? If they are it might be a bunch of tiny snail eggs.
Nah the woods about 7 months old tomorrow, I’ll try get a better photo but they are pretty round. What fish would have these car from if they are eggs. Cherry barbs black widows harlequin Rasboras Cory’s or GBR? Thanks for your help

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Is the driftwood somewhat new? The white dots could be harmless fungus that appears on new driftwood.
Are the dots noticeably round? If they are it might be a bunch of tiny snail eggs.

Nvm realised you said snails. I haven’t added any snails and have washed all my plants well before planting. I never see them if there is aby

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They could be hydra but need a real close up of them to be sure.
Hmm... not sure how I’m going to do that. My cameras not very good.. I’ll try get a better photo tommorow

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I’ve had black beard for a few months now. It seems like the black beards dissapearing though.

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