What Are Some Good Small Fish For A Noob Fishkeeper, Also A Feeding Qu


New Member
Aug 15, 2006
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I just asked how many fish I could fit in my ten gallon tank, and got the answer of ten inches of fish. i have four inches currently (two tetras) and I'd like to get as many more fish as I can get for those last six inches, what are some reccomendations for tiny fish that would go nicely with the tetras.

oh and this is such a noob question, but about how much food (i'm using flakes) should I feed per fish

Tetras are shoaling fish and are best in groups of 5-6, so I'd recommend getting a few more.

Feed enough for them to eat in 2-3 minutes. Takes a little trial and error but you'll get the hang of it. For 2 tetras, shouldn't take more than a few flakes. :)
I agree. Get some more tetras as they do better in groups. You might also consider adding 3-4 shrimp to help keep the tank clean. They add very little bioload so barely count in the inch per gallon rule.

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