We Should Try And Beat The Record

Keeper Of Cichlids

Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score
We should try and beat the record of the most users online at once.
We should set a date and time of course equivalent times should be provided as there is a variety of people from different countries.

The last time there was a big record was in 2008 for 1195.
Lets beat it!

What ya think?
I'd figure that COULD be easy but I'm not sure. We've got what now 100,000 members but who knows how many are active. Right now I'm working on a record of my own though. Longest time w/o blinking. My record is 4 hours and 17 minutes and 33 or so seconds.
Yeah its just we all come on at different times.
Lol 4 hours is a long time, I can only do an hour.
I'd figure that COULD be easy but I'm not sure. We've got what now 100,000 members but who knows how many are active. Right now I'm working on a record of my own though. Longest time w/o blinking. My record is 4 hours and 17 minutes and 33 or so seconds.

I managed far longer than that last night. Didn't blink for a good 8 hours. Then the alarm went off.
I'm all up for the most users online record, but why would you even try to not blink for hours? Blinking is nice! Is this another one of those male-ego things :p?
I guess. It's fun to beat everyone at staring contests though.
Why are there %20 in between my screen name? I bet I could beat you. Never lost a single match past 3rd grade when I discovered junked talent.
I've had a lot of spell check issues today lol. Junked talent. It's supposed to say my unknown talent lol.
Man of fish, I double doggy dare you to have a staring contest with a fish.
Let's see who blinks first, you or the fish?

I freaking dare you. :lol:

*Breaking News*
A young man was found dead in his home last night, from apparent eyeball implosion. Sources say he was dared into a staring contest with a fish. When asked about the dare, the fish mearly replied "Blub". No criminal charges have been filed.
Lol I don't think fish blink though lol :lol: :fun:

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