We Have Babies.


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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Well went to bed at 4am this morning to find my female guppy had started giving birth :lol: She had a few troubles so I stayed up and watched her till 6am but eventually went to bed and left her to it. She's still giving birth now but I'm leaving most of the babies in the tank as I don't want loads of babies. However, because of how much of a red zone my tank is for baby fish I have saved a few to see them grow. The Bumblebee Goby can't sit right lol, he keeps rolling over because of how many babies he's eaten. The Shadow Catfish have eyes in their stomach from how many they've picked up and the tetra's are just fat. But since I have a few to raise I am leaving the rest to fend for themselves.
Here's a picture :)
how many are there and I would love to see a pic of the bumblebee goby
Beautiful. I love the way little silver fry look.
Blackops: I rescued about 11 altogether and left the rest to fend for themselves as I can't really save them all. I'll get one of him for you

Thanks Tcamos
Yeah they are cute.
Edit: Here's a picture for you Blackops :)
He looks pale because it was taken after lights out, hence the flash lol
blackops said:
haha he looks full
very nice fish
That was taken before he ate all the babies XD He'd had a few bloodworms before that was taken. Will get one now of his fat belly.

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