Hi all. My tank is not as clear as I feel it shud be given my set-up. The water appears sparkling when viewed from the front but not so when done from the side. It definitely isn't a cloudiness issue, more a lack of clarity. My fish are all active and feeding well. The tank is circulated at a rate of around 3000lph. My set up is an Aquamedic Percula 120. 1 x 9", 2 x 5" oscars, 1 x 10" plec and 1 x 11" pengasius cat. 1500lph external with various foams, ceramic rings and siporax media. internal tank trickle contains bio balls and ceramic rings.1200lph sump pump returning to tank. 500lph powerhead also pumps into trickle from weir. external returns into trickle which has 4" filterwool at top to help polish water.Decor is large rocks and gravel, 3 large pieces of bogwood for mt plec to rasp on. A couple of large plastic plants complete the picture. All water parameters are well within range, ph is 6.9, temp 80 deg. Any suggestions please? It could be that I am simply being a little too fussy perhaps.