Water Changes And Dechlorinator


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2012
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London Ontario Canada
When doing water changes I have always emptied the water one bucket at a time, and filled the tank up one bucket at a time. Now I have bought the Python hose to do the work for me. I am confused about knowing how much and how to dose dechlorinator now that I won't be measuring the amount of outgoing and ingoing water the same way I did in the past. My fresh water will come from my tap and not be dechlorinated prior to filling the tank. Will this kill my fish? How will I know how much dechlorinator to use? I have visions of myself squirting drop by drop into the stream as it enters the tank :lol: . How do other members ensure the water enters the tank dechlorinated? So confused.
Put enough dechlor into the tank before refilling to dose the whole tank, not just the water you're adding. Most dechlorinators are quite safe to overdose if you like to be paranoid and add a little more.
Or...you know how many liters your tank holds obviously from past water changes with your buckets so just add enough dechlorinator for half a tank as you wont be doing more than a 50% water change and that way you wont waste so much. And as CEZZAXV says just put the dechlorinator in before you refill. :good:
When I do a 50% change every week on my 75g I dose for 50 gallons...which is an overdose, and then I don't have to worry. My smaller tanks I do what Cezza said and just dose for the whole tank.
I never use it, dont think its really needed tbh,

further to the point i just set up a new nano tank, took my established filter from another tank, washed the pump head under the tap, rinsed the filter bucket under the tap, then new filter wool and also gave the top media basket a quick rinse to get the gunk off, then rebuilt the filter with fresh tap water in the bucket. put that on a tank with new ada soil so full of ammonia, 2 weeks and 3 days the tank is fully cycled.

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