Water change n quality

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2024
Reaction score
Menasha, Wisconsin
With a 46 gallons aquarium how many times should I do water changes if the water quality is ok ?

If the water quality isn't ok how soon should I do a water change ?

On a 46 gallons aquarium, what would it be the right percent for water change ?
what is your stocking?
How long has the tank been set up?
has the tank been cycled?
what is your stocking?
has the tank been cycled?
Thank isn't fully cycled. I made the mistake of adding fish after only 3 days of cycling.

Bout fish I have

1 small angel
4 neon tetras
4 serpae tetras
3 mollies
2 swordtails
1 small pleco
2 small bottom feeders
1 dearf gouramie
1 blue cobalt gouramie
your tank is most probably not cycled yet...too soon to be cycled
Your now going to have to do the much more difficult fish in cycle
It may help to add some fast growing plants to help absorb ammonia and/or nitrates/nitrites.
your tank is most probably not cycled yet...too soon to be cycled
Your now going to have to do the much more difficult fish in cycle
It may help to add some fast growing plants to help absorb ammonia and/or nitrates/nitrites.
I got a tetra first starter thing n added bacteria in the tank. I'm hoping it will help cycle the tank faster
yes..that could help speed up the cycling but it still may take time
anytime ammonia or nitrites are elevated , you will need to do a very large water change...like 75% at a time. It may even be once a day.
Neon Tetra per my experience are not a hardy fish. I have lost many neon tetras even in a cycled tank sometimes shortly after adding them to my tank.
Do you know the hardness of your water? You can usually get that on your water supplier's website. Neon tetras like softer water. Mollies and swordtails prefer harder water.

Dwarf Gouramis often carry Dwarf Gourami disease. I have never had them last for more than a few months. I've had 3 of them at various times.
With a 46 gallons aquarium how many times should I do water changes if the water quality is ok ?

If the water quality isn't ok how soon should I do a water change ?

On a 46 gallons aquarium, what would it be the right percent for water change ?
Hello Tyler. I've mentioned this multiple times: Tanks less than 30 gallons need half the water changed twice a week. Tanks 30 gallons and larger, need half the water changed out less often, once a week is ideal. The water change doesn't only depend on the number of fish you keep. The water change also depends on replenishing the minerals in the water that the fish and plants constantly remove. The nutrients that make up a healthy water environment must be freshened up every few days, so the fish and whatever else you keep has a steady supply of nutrients.


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