Water Agitation?


Nov 1, 2013
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Hi All!

My tank(~15 US Gal) houses a Male Betta, Neon Tetras and Cory

From what I read, Bettas prefer slow to a near stand-still water flow and the neons prefer a gentle flow of water and with the cories in there as well, how do I balance the water flow to best accomodate the fishes? And if there is too low of water agitation because of the slow water flow, will the oxygen levels in the tank be greatly affecting the fishes?

Tks in advance!

It doesn't really matter, my betta lives in a 20 Gallon tank with a filter that produces a bit of current.
As long as it's not intense flow, you'll be good.
If you find your Betta struggling to swim or always hiding, you can always adjust the flow.
I'd stick with the gentle flow..
As for the oxygen levels, you can always add live plants to your tank, which will make it more beautiful, and also provide your fish with some cover.
l_l_l said:
It doesn't really matter, my betta lives in a 20 Gallon tank with a filter that produces a bit of current.
As long as it's not intense flow, you'll be good.
If you find your Betta struggling to swim or always hiding, you can always adjust the flow.
I'd stick with the gentle flow..
As for the oxygen levels, you can always add live plants to your tank, which will make it more beautiful, and also provide your fish with some cover.
Betta can survive but I am more worried about the rest of the fishes...

What other fishes you keep besides your Betta?
I have Neon Tetras, snails and shrimp, they all are fine!
Oxygenation won't really be a problem unless you are at really high temperatures, and with those corydoras, I'm guessing you should be at maximum 25C..
Oh my!

Mine is ranging from 26+ til max 28(Celcius), without heater!
And even away from the Sun!

Hot weather here in Singapore!
Ouch ouch!
What is your lowest temperature ?
A stable water temperature is important for fish, it helps reduce stress, and prevent disease!
If it's possible for you, you might want to invest in a water chiller, to get your temp at the desired range.
What are your corydoras?
AquaPit if you think your temp. Of 26/28c is "walm, in summer my tanks reach 32/34c for six months or more. I keep tetra tanks.
l_l_l said:
I have Neon Tetras, snails and shrimp, they all are fine!
Oxygenation won't really be a problem unless you are at really high temperatures, and with those corydoras, I'm guessing you should be at maximum 25C..
It depends on the species of cory what temperatures they can handle. You're right though most don't like it as warm as bettas do.
Issue here though is that bettas need a minimum temperature of 78F (25.5C) :/
OP, does your filter have an adjustable flow? If it does you could maybe turn it up a bit, and then make sure part of the tank has lots of floating plants to create a more still area.
dave84of1 Wow! Hot! Lol!
l_l_l okay.. i supposed to get pygmy cories to replace my
1xAdolfis Cory,
1xThree Lined Cory
1xBandit Cory
3xSterbai Corys

The stock right now is not at a desirable range.. Im keeping up with 30% water change every 5 days.. So far so good..
Ninjouzata said:
I have Neon Tetras, snails and shrimp, they all are fine!
Oxygenation won't really be a problem unless you are at really high temperatures, and with those corydoras, I'm guessing you should be at maximum 25C..
It depends on the species of cory what temperatures they can handle. You're right though most don't like it as warm as bettas do.
Issue here though is that bettas need a minimum temperature of 78F (25.5C) :/
OP, does your filter have an adjustable flow? If it does you could maybe turn it up a bit, and then make sure part of the tank has lots of floating plants to create a more still area.
Yes.. it is adjustable.. I do not have floating plants but I do have a tall fake plant that can diffuse the outlet(waterfall)..
I'm using a HOB filter btw..
Sorry I may have missed something somewhere do you have an external filter, if so does it have a spray bar. You can agitate  the water by having the bar above the water and angle it slightly towards the glass this gives nice water disturbance without to much current.
dave840f1 said:
Sorry I may have missed something somewhere do you have an external filter, if so does it have a spray bar. You can agitate  the water by having the bar above the water and angle it slightly towards the glass this gives nice water disturbance without to much current.
Mine is a HOB with a waterfall outlet..

What I have done is, I put my tall fake plant just at the bottom of the waterfall to reduce the impact..

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