Wanted: Red Cherry Shrimp
Item Wanted: Red Cherry Shrimp or other similar variants
Condition Required: Just Alive
Price Limit: I'll take any free ones if you have em but looking for 1 usd each
Location: I'm in Virginia and am willing to pay shipping if you are out of state/country
If you have another variety of freshwater dwarf shrimp besides RCS I'd be glad to take any extras off your hands
Thanks for reading,
Item Wanted: Red Cherry Shrimp or other similar variants
Condition Required: Just Alive
Price Limit: I'll take any free ones if you have em but looking for 1 usd each
Location: I'm in Virginia and am willing to pay shipping if you are out of state/country
If you have another variety of freshwater dwarf shrimp besides RCS I'd be glad to take any extras off your hands
Thanks for reading,