Want: Guppies, Betta Breeding Pair


New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Item Wanted: Fancy Guppies
Condition Required: Healthy
Price Limit: Offer?
Picture or Link to Item: N/A
Location: Atlanta, GA

Item Wanted: Betta Breeding Pair
Condition Required: Healthy
Price Limit: Offer?
Picture or Link to Item: N/A
Location: Atlanta, GA

I'm wanting Fancy Guppies, but not the kind from Petco/Petsmart. I want unique colors that I can breed and blend together to create beautiful fish. I'll consider offers. The more different the better!

As for the Bettas, I want a tested breeding pair. Unique coloring is preferred. I want to get into breeding Bettas, but can't seem to find a pair that wants to breed.
Well shipping on these things usually cost alot but i may have something that you would be interested in. There not pure strain if you want them to be really expensive, but i have a neon yellow guppy with a neon red strip on his back. He just had babies  with my female and a couple of them are turning yellow, but the females of this species is mostly black. so are you still interested?

by the way my neon yellows is not very expensive, mabey $5.00 at the most

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