Item Wanted: Fancy Guppies
Condition Required: Healthy
Price Limit: Offer?
Picture or Link to Item: N/A
Location: Atlanta, GA
Item Wanted: Betta Breeding Pair
Condition Required: Healthy
Price Limit: Offer?
Picture or Link to Item: N/A
Location: Atlanta, GA
I'm wanting Fancy Guppies, but not the kind from Petco/Petsmart. I want unique colors that I can breed and blend together to create beautiful fish. I'll consider offers. The more different the better!
As for the Bettas, I want a tested breeding pair. Unique coloring is preferred. I want to get into breeding Bettas, but can't seem to find a pair that wants to breed.
Condition Required: Healthy
Price Limit: Offer?
Picture or Link to Item: N/A
Location: Atlanta, GA
Item Wanted: Betta Breeding Pair
Condition Required: Healthy
Price Limit: Offer?
Picture or Link to Item: N/A
Location: Atlanta, GA
I'm wanting Fancy Guppies, but not the kind from Petco/Petsmart. I want unique colors that I can breed and blend together to create beautiful fish. I'll consider offers. The more different the better!
As for the Bettas, I want a tested breeding pair. Unique coloring is preferred. I want to get into breeding Bettas, but can't seem to find a pair that wants to breed.