Want A Change But What Too? Advice


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2012
Reaction score
leyland, lancashire
Well having got a mix of everything in my 180litre im after a change...i want to simple up the scape of my tank with just a pile of rocks and few of my fake plants and want some interesting larger fish......was looking at africans but now im tempted to go for a shoal of silver dollars....was even looking at pirahnas... help me decide....here it is at the minute
go for africans!
and get live plants, fake give no advantage really, personal opinion i hate them lol
I have all live plants in atm but never seen african tanks with them....i assumed the cichlids would destroy live plants....im liking the look of the haps and peacocks......does keeping them mean my rock scape doesnt have to be all tunnels and holes like the mbuna.
Thanks im a novice lol
The tank is to small for sds and pirhanas i'm afriad, how about some dwarf cichlids like apistogramas,bolivian rams,anomalachromis thomasi,laetacara curviceps? a couple of pairs would be entertaining and you could keep quite a bit of your stock by the looks of it Also a pair of small-medium cichlids could work, I would say that you could just about scrude a pair of thorichthys species like ellioti of firemout if it is colour you are looking for. Maybe 2-4 Angelfish as your tank looks quite tall so will be ample swimming room for them until they get to full adult size.
What about adding some wood in there? then you could scape your plants around the wood and the rocks in two areas so it would look quite simple and would look really nice also some floating plants like amazon frogbit of duck weed.
Angelfish! The tank would look great with a group of them. Offset them with a large shoal of tetras....
And the hardness/pH of your water?
I dont know my water stats i just take a sample to my local maidenhead aquatics weekly and they say its fine.
Ill get the dimensions tonight

In future, if you don't get your own test kits (which I would very very strongly recommend you do; it's an essential piece of kit for all fishkeepers, IMO), then get them to write down the actual numbers.

Most LFS version of 'fine' is not the same as most aquarists!

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