Hey everyone. I just thought I'd share my experience with a walmart today.
I drove me and my brother out to see my grandma because she also lives next to a massive mall and there's lots of pokemon spawns there and stuff haha. Anyway. We went to visit her and just hang out in her area, it's pretty big so there's lots of stuff to do.
I stopped off at a walmart because I am looking for clay pebbles as I am setting up my aquaponics setup for winter to keep all my terestrial plants alive during the cold. (tomatoes, basil, greenbeans, chili peppers, jalapenos, mint, various other plants if you are wondering) and I walked into the walmart and they had a fish section!! The walmart near where me and my brother live doesn't have one of these. They used to but got rid of it. I was surprised to see the tanks and fish in them, and it was cool this walmart by my grandma's had fish. It is about a half an hour drive from her house to our house.
I looked at the selections and I was surprised, and already upset at the management. I saw a parent buying fish for her children and neither the lady helping get the fish, or the children or adult had an idea about fish. I saw her buy 2 yellow lab cichlids and 2 blue acei cichlids? Not sure about the acei's. I forgot my cichlids. It was a yellow and a blue. Two of each, and they were accompanied with a 10 gallon tank in the cart. I sorta wanted to speak up but I didn't feel like it. I know those fish are going to die but there's nothing I can do. Anyone else had experiences like this?
On the other hand, they did have a lot of awesome fish. They had some really awesome australis rainbowfish which I considered getting to add to my school, and some SILVER DOLLARS. I can't believe they had silver dollars. I considered getting them because they were only $5 each...
I wish I had a tank to provide for them though. Would they be able to live in 36 gallons?
I drove me and my brother out to see my grandma because she also lives next to a massive mall and there's lots of pokemon spawns there and stuff haha. Anyway. We went to visit her and just hang out in her area, it's pretty big so there's lots of stuff to do.
I stopped off at a walmart because I am looking for clay pebbles as I am setting up my aquaponics setup for winter to keep all my terestrial plants alive during the cold. (tomatoes, basil, greenbeans, chili peppers, jalapenos, mint, various other plants if you are wondering) and I walked into the walmart and they had a fish section!! The walmart near where me and my brother live doesn't have one of these. They used to but got rid of it. I was surprised to see the tanks and fish in them, and it was cool this walmart by my grandma's had fish. It is about a half an hour drive from her house to our house.
I looked at the selections and I was surprised, and already upset at the management. I saw a parent buying fish for her children and neither the lady helping get the fish, or the children or adult had an idea about fish. I saw her buy 2 yellow lab cichlids and 2 blue acei cichlids? Not sure about the acei's. I forgot my cichlids. It was a yellow and a blue. Two of each, and they were accompanied with a 10 gallon tank in the cart. I sorta wanted to speak up but I didn't feel like it. I know those fish are going to die but there's nothing I can do. Anyone else had experiences like this?
On the other hand, they did have a lot of awesome fish. They had some really awesome australis rainbowfish which I considered getting to add to my school, and some SILVER DOLLARS. I can't believe they had silver dollars. I considered getting them because they were only $5 each...
I wish I had a tank to provide for them though. Would they be able to live in 36 gallons?