Let the voting begin for the November 2016 FishForums.net Tank of the Month! We are going to leave the poll open until November 30th @ 11:59PM EST. We're off to a good start and the entries are great! Thanks to everyone that participated and GOOD LUCK!!
1. Fishmanic
Here is my planted 29 gallon aquarium. My stocking is as follows: 6 tiger barbs, 2 neon tetra (survivors of a larger school), 2 rummynose tetra (survivors of a larger school), 2 julii cory, 1 nanus cory, 1 bolivian ram, 1 bushynose pleco.
Tank has a black background. It is a Marineland aquarium with included fitted hood and led lighting.
There are 2 homemade caves comprised of flagstone and rocks siliconed together.
Water is tap water and is approximately 175 ppm hardness. PH generally is in the range of 7.0- 7.4. Filter is a penquin 200 HOB filter. In the filter I use my own media comprised of a thick sponge and a layer of Big Al's filter floss. The biowheel helps support beneficial bacteria. As a secondary filter, I use a Hydro Pro III reticulated foam sponge filter on the opposite side of the tank from the penguin filter. I use a 200 watt Aqueon heater in the tank and have had good luck with this brand. Temperature is kept at 76 degrees F.
Water changes are done weekly, changing out 50% of the water using a python water changer. The python also removes any detrius/debris on the substrate which consists of white pool filter sand. Filter cleaning is done every two weeks at which time I change out the floss and just rinse the sponge in tank water. I do a total filter housing cleaning about every 6 weeks to get the gunk out of the impeller and off the housing.
I feed twice a day using mainly cobalt brand flake food. I feed the bn pleco an algae wafer about every 2 days. I occasionally give a treat of freeze dried shrimp soaked in tank water and occasionally drop in some shrimp pellets. I also occasionally drop in some freeze dried blood worms or freeze dried daphnia, both soaked in tank water before adding to tank.
My 2 foot jungle.
1 Betta
1 Baby BN pleco
Lots of shrimp
Malaysian Trumpet snails, Lots
Ph 7.2
Temp 28 c
Water Changes 50% once a week.
Vacuuming of substrate, Never.
Additives, Easy Life Fluid Filter media and Indian almond leaf, I do not use any ferts.
Filter, Sponge.
Lighting Beamworks High lumen 60, this runs for 6 hours a day.
Aqua One LED Mini Touch LED 6w Touch Clip On, This runs in the afternoon and a few hours at night because its not as bright. This is the light that is on in the photo.
The lights are on a timer the little light comes on at 9.30 am till 11 am, then the big light kicks in as the little one goes out and stays on till 6 pm, then the little light kicks in till 9 pm.
Getting the timers right was a nightmare.
Beamswork HI-LUMEN 60 Aquarium LED Light 60cm 2FT 24W Bright
Aqua One LED Mini Touch LED 6w Touch
easyheater - Aquael
NEW Practical Aquarium Biochemical Sponge Filter Fish Shrimp Tank
Easy-Life Filter Medium — English
Be sure to cast your vote above!