I have 3 mollies (1 black male, 1 silver female and one dalmation female) and the silver one is pregnant( i think about a week away now) and the other doesn't look it. I have had them for about 7/8 weeks and the dalmation still doesn't look pregnant and the male is continually chasing her and she is very distressed. he actually looks like he is hitting, nipping and barging into her. she is DEFINATLY female and he is DEFINATLY male. What should i do? she comes up to eat but gets chased away and she is always hiding under the bridge or the ship ornaments. its very distressing for us and her.
We have just added 2 dwarf gourami males and 4 Rummy Nose Tetras. Its a 70L tank and all of the levels are fine.
We have just added 2 dwarf gourami males and 4 Rummy Nose Tetras. Its a 70L tank and all of the levels are fine.