Various Equipment, Food And Accessories Going Free


New Member
Jun 6, 2012
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Reason for Sale: My small tropical fish tank is getting to the stage where it probably needs to be replaced which I can't afford to do, so I'm shutting the tank down. Everything has been well looked after. I’d rather these bits and bobs be put to good use than thrown away so it’s all going free.

Delivery or Collection: Collection only, or could meet in a Central London location

Sales price: Free!

Location: North London (Crouch End)

Equipment available:
  • Small tub of Tetramin tropical fish food flakes
  • Algae feeding wafers
  • Weekend feeder sticks
  • Small heater
  • Small thermometer (needs new suction cup as old one doesn't stick any more)
  • Tube for siphoning out water when cleaning
  • Gravel
  • Decorative rocks
  • Decorative piece of wood with small amount of java moss growing
  • Easter Island decorative figure (about 5 inches high)
  • Decorative bridge (about 3 inches long)
  • Net
  • Half a bottle of Tetra Aqua safe water dechlorinator
  • 4 small replacement bulbs for tank lightbulb (G4, 10w)
  • Anti fungus and fin rot medicine
  • Tetra water testing kits for ammonia, nitrite and pH

I can post pictures if anyone is interested.

I’m also looking for homes for the 8 residents of the tank; see post in the livestock forum here:
Hi there, Could well be interested in rehoming all your bits & bobs plus fish in the other post for you.
But just wondered though,, does the tank come with this?
as you havn't mentioned about it?
many thanx
Hi there, Could well be interested in rehoming all your bits & bobs plus fish in the other post for you.
But just wondered though,, does the tank come with this?
as you havn't mentioned about it?
many thanx

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the interest. Yes the tank is available too if you want it. I didn't mention it because although the actual tank and plastic lid are fine, the lighting is in need of replacing - the wiring is shot.
It's a small Rena tank measuring 40cm x 20cm x 25cm.
Let me know if you'd like it all,
If this is still available i can take the fish aswell. I live in east london. Can collect.
Hi, that's great, thanks for the offer.

I'll give Ben first refusal seeing as he was first to reply but if he's not interested you're more than welcome to them.

Ben - do you know if you want it all?

If this is still available i can take the fish aswell. I live in east london. Can collect.

Hi Dafrnhm, if you still want everything (fish and equipment too?) it's yours. Can you collect this weekend?

If this is still available i can take the fish aswell. I live in east london. Can collect.

Hi Dafrnhm, if you still want everything (fish and equipment too?) it's yours. Can you collect this weekend?


Hi, thats good news. I will take whatever you dont want. I can collect sunday? My email address is deanfarnham (@)
Hi guys. Sorry trouble getting back online!
I was gonna say. Would now actually struggle to get up to you this week. So if someone else would like it all. Pls do!
Thanx for offer the kathryn
All the best
Thanks everyone for helping me get this sorted so soon, I feel happy they're going to a good home!

(Dean have emailed you)

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