Vanishing Shrimps


Mostly New Member
May 4, 2014
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I added 4 amano shrimps to my tank last Thursday, and I have not seen one since Saturday. Now Tuesday morning. Do you think my fish have eaten them. I have black neons and ordinary tetras and rasporas and panda cories. The shrimp were quite large and I was told that they would be OK. I know they are translucent but I should see something?
Is your tank planted? They could just be hiding. At 1 stage I couldn’t find a single shrimp in my tank, Then I re did my plants pulling some out pruning some also, All of a sudden I had about 12 shrimp. They were just hiding.
Do you think my fish have eaten them
No Idea.
Usually Amanos are a good size already when brought from the store, I can't imagine the fish you have would attempt to eat one.
As stated above they are probably hiding, I have 6 in my tank and some days I don't see any.
They like to hide at the back cleaning my plants :)
Also check your filter, shrimp are experts in getting into filters either through the intake or via the return.
Also check your filter, shrimp are experts in getting into filters either through the intake or via the return.
Cover your filter intake like this. I did this after Baccus told me the same thing in another post.
As others have said, they are masters of hiding.
dave840f1 said:
What do you mean by ordinary Tetras?
I suspect that since the previous phrase was black neons, that "ordinary" refers to "ordinary" neon tetras.
I'm sure Jofish can answer for himself, one should not assume what other people mean. I'm not having a go at you but I would have liked Jofish to have clarified the question.
I have amano shrimp.
As well as being king of hide and seek they also can climb up the walls of the aquarium and out of any tiny hole, once I found one on the roof of my aquarium lid just chilling.
When I first got them I didnt see them for at least a week, then I only saw one at any time, it was about a month when I saw all of them together, but the more you have the more likely you will see them...I have found its all about safety in numbers with these lot!

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