Alright, here's my set-up (more information in the thread linked in sig.):
Lighting: 128 Watts (4x 32W T8 6500k bulbs) - 8 hours a day (on a timer, so it NEVER changes).
Tank: 6 foot, 110 USGallon tank, roughly 22 inches from lights to substrate.
Substrate: Sand
Plants in tank:
Vallisneria (both 'jungle' and 'italian' - 6 each, planted about 2 inches apart from each other.
Amazon sword - solo plant, not doing very well... browning a bit as well.
Purple cabomba - doesn't seem to be suffering at all.
Dwarf Hairgrass - starting to send out runners
(been in the tank for about a month)
Various ferns (all growing fine - new growth obvious and BRIGHT green)
Organics in the water: I've been dosing 3ppm-4ppm daily with ammonia, which has been converting to nitrate in less than 24 hours consistently. Fish are due today, so I just did a >95% water change to "zero" the tank from nitrates, etc. (winter storm in the area, so fish shipment may be delayed). (No algae growth.)
So, why are the vallisneria "melting"? They are browning over, not really taking to their new home. They have been in the tank for 8 days now, and haven't really adjusted yet. I bought purple cabomba (listed as purple, but looks pretty green, and did in the store as well), which hasn't melted and hasn't changed color, or not appreciably.
I see 5 possible solutions:
A - dosing Flourish to increase trace elements in the water on a weekly, or semi-weekly basis.
B - dosing Flourish Excel every other day (or maybe even every 3 days) to increase carbon available to the plants
C - pulling some of the sand out, and putting in a Planting substrate like Eco-Complete in the areas where the cabomba and vallis are planted.
D - wait for the fish to be in the tank, and see how the addition of the fish changes things - given that they will be adding a whole different set of chemicals to the water
E - some combination of the above.
If you need more details to address these issues, please check out the journal linked below.... I could really use some help, as I'm outside my realm of experience with these new plants!
Lighting: 128 Watts (4x 32W T8 6500k bulbs) - 8 hours a day (on a timer, so it NEVER changes).
Tank: 6 foot, 110 USGallon tank, roughly 22 inches from lights to substrate.
Substrate: Sand
Plants in tank:
Vallisneria (both 'jungle' and 'italian' - 6 each, planted about 2 inches apart from each other.
Amazon sword - solo plant, not doing very well... browning a bit as well.
Purple cabomba - doesn't seem to be suffering at all.
Dwarf Hairgrass - starting to send out runners
Various ferns (all growing fine - new growth obvious and BRIGHT green)
Organics in the water: I've been dosing 3ppm-4ppm daily with ammonia, which has been converting to nitrate in less than 24 hours consistently. Fish are due today, so I just did a >95% water change to "zero" the tank from nitrates, etc. (winter storm in the area, so fish shipment may be delayed). (No algae growth.)
So, why are the vallisneria "melting"? They are browning over, not really taking to their new home. They have been in the tank for 8 days now, and haven't really adjusted yet. I bought purple cabomba (listed as purple, but looks pretty green, and did in the store as well), which hasn't melted and hasn't changed color, or not appreciably.
I see 5 possible solutions:
A - dosing Flourish to increase trace elements in the water on a weekly, or semi-weekly basis.
B - dosing Flourish Excel every other day (or maybe even every 3 days) to increase carbon available to the plants
C - pulling some of the sand out, and putting in a Planting substrate like Eco-Complete in the areas where the cabomba and vallis are planted.
D - wait for the fish to be in the tank, and see how the addition of the fish changes things - given that they will be adding a whole different set of chemicals to the water
E - some combination of the above.
If you need more details to address these issues, please check out the journal linked below.... I could really use some help, as I'm outside my realm of experience with these new plants!