Vacuming the Gravel


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2005
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Up untill now, on my once a week 20% percent water changes, i have had fate plants, so i have just been takeing them out and vacuming the gravel all the way to the bottom. Now I have the beginings of a planted tank, what is the right way to vacum the gravel now?
Vacuum the unplanted regions as normal but not vacuuming anywhere you believe there to be roots (I'd say around 3 inches from new plants as they are unstable).
yeah be sure not to jam the vacum into the gravel to close to a plant because it could very easily cut the roots.
how do u stop plants from becoming uprooted if they havent established a proper root system ?? also if u cut a brach off a plant and just stick it in the gravel will it grow roots ??


Italian_Stallion said:
how do u stop plants from becoming uprooted if they havent established a proper root system ?? also if u cut a brach off a plant and just stick it in the gravel will it grow roots ??


You could use lead weights to keep them down. Most plants should root in a week or 2.

And to answer your second question - Yes, most stemmed plants will root. This will not work with rosette plants (grassy types) which propogate by runners.
I use my fingers to very gently poke the gravel around the plants to stir up any debris which then either gets filtered or I scoop up with the fishnet.
I just make sure their roots are good and tucked in under the gravel.

Yes you can do that but I haven't had much luck with it.
There is no need to clean the gravel around the plants, they will use the debris as plant food. Just clean where you're sure there are no roots.

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