Uses For Fish Poop?

Liz xty

Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
Excellent house plant food!!!
I squish my filter sponges in a jug of tank water, what do you do with that?
My house plants think its great! - started using the gunky water for the house plants and I have t o say they've never looked better! So I also now use the siphoned water change water too, to share out the gunky water!
I have done this for years but mainly with a pond, all that lovely gunge/ sludge from the bottom of the pond I used to keep for my Mum for her to dilute as needed and put on her orchids.
Great fertlizer.
When I drop and top my tanks I run the syphon hose out to either the back lawn or a front garden bed, either way my yard is benefiting from my hobby.
Goes nicely with vodka, too.
I've been using my old fish water to water my impatiens (they require a lot of water in the summer) and this serves me two very nice purposes... One, the impatiens look better than ever, and two, the water quality of my tank is amazing in the summer. I'll do 50% water changes weekly, and 25% water changes midweek.

My fish seem to really thrive with the water changes happening so frequently in summer. In the spring and fall, the amount of water changes drops to only 25% biweekly, and by winter, its just 25% weekly - as that water goes largely down the drain. I like to think that its the equivalent of a "rainy season" and a "dry season" for my fish.
Would say you could use it to cycle a tank

It will break down into ammonia, which you can indeed use to cycle a tank. However, being able to dose accurately would be difficult.
Would say you could use it to cycle a tank

It will break down into ammonia, which you can indeed use to cycle a tank. However, being able to dose accurately would be difficult.

Furthermore, the ammonia should be broken down into nitrite and then nitrate by the filter, so you aren't really going to be able to cycle it with old tank water - which is what most of the posts in this thread are about... Unless you were to siphon up the poop, specifically and strain the water away and then add that to a new tank, it really wouldn't benefit you.
That's a good idea.

I'm so going to try that when i do my next water change!
That's what you say now. People are on to you lock_man!
Hic! Idunnowochamean......

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