Upside Down Catfish

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Oct 18, 2005
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I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 reg wag platies, 2 black mollies, 2 scissortail rasbora and a upside down catfish. The catfish doesn't move. He stays under the filter. I moved it enough to get him away from it because I was afraid he was stuck to it. As soon as I moved it away from him he darted to the other side of the tank and hide in the plants. No sooner did I get the filter back in it's place and the lid back on the tank he was back under the filter. I'm afraid he's not even moving to eat. Any ideas on why he's staying under the filter? If I can do anything for him?
Upside down catfish are nocturnal and can also be very shy. Mine never come out to eat at regular feeding time. You may never see them come out of hiding unless they are startled, it really depends on the fish. Under the filter must be where he calls home.

Depending on the type of Upside down cat he may also be lonely. Synodontis Nigriventis like to be kept in groups of at least 3. Unfortunately your tank is too small for a larger group if this is the species you do have.

Preferably you should drop a small amount of bloodworm or catfish tablets in after lights out to make sure its getting enough to eat. I have 3 in my tank and almost never see them out and about unless its totally dark & I just happen to sneak up on the tank.

Hope that helps!
Ditto on daylight hiding! Mine, (syno. robbianus) is never seen during daylight hours, he hides in the mass of stones along with the cories, and usually makes an appearance at about 11.30-12pm, but he usually shows himself at morning feeding also, at about 6.30am... loves his prawns!

I have a moonlight tube, so i can still see things at night hours, but its a completely diff tank at night, the cories come into their own! The syno, and the pleco patrol different ends of the tank to each other. They really don't like each other :no: not unusual to see a wriggling black ball of fighting catfish :crazy:
Thanks guys! I feel better now. I do still worry about him getting stuck behind the filter and me not finding him soon enough.. :-( I found him there for the second time this morning and had to move the filter for him to get out from behind it and back under it.
I think if you keep moving the filter, the poor chap will start to feel more and more insecure to find his home moved and gone for periods of time. It' unlikely that he'll get stuck. Have you tried adding some extra hiding places ?

Then of course there's the other issue that he really needs some friends to make him feel more secure and that 10 gallons isn't really suitable :/
I think it's their nature to hide in really small, and unluxurious places (probably due to a natural instinct.. they love to munch on fry, and fry are going to try and find small holes and caves to hide from bigger fish, so in they go.. and lunch is delivered do the syno's door!)
Mine hides in the smallest cave set i have and he is probably one the largest fish i have.. It amazes me how he gets into them, and i always wonder if he will get out again..:dunno: especially when mine is a bit tubby round the middle :pepsi: i was thinking about doing a google for "atkins for fish" :lol:
Just to be a total smeghead none of mine hide. :look: They aren't nigriventis to be fair, which I assume yours is. They are much happier in groups. You need a bigger tank. :nod: Try putting in some more hidey holes. Say a nice fake tree root thing or some such and put the filter in a different corner so the new hidey hole is where the filter used to be. And they really can squeeze into tiny spaces. It's highly unlikely he'll get himself stuck, even if he looks it. Best option really is a bigger tank. ;)
THanks guys. I know you say that it's highly unlikely that he'll get stuck but he has twice. Right in between the glass and the filter. I only know that he was stuck because he was wiggling and looked like he was trying to get away and couldn't. As soon as I moved the filter enough for him to get free he did and went right back under it.

And when I say that I move the filter I don't mean I move it all the way. I just move it enough to get him out from under it then put it back in it's place. There are also three plants in there that he hides in when he's not under the filter, but he seems to really like the filter.

You say that 10 gallons isn't suitable for another one like him? There are only 6 other fish in there, and from what I read on another site it's ok to have up to 12 or 15 small fish in there. The store that I got him from says that he won't get any bigger than 4 inches. Even one more wouldn't be ok?
THanks guys. I know you say that it's highly unlikely that he'll get stuck but he has twice. Right in between the glass and the filter. I only know that he was stuck because he was wiggling and looked like he was trying to get away and couldn't. As soon as I moved the filter enough for him to get free he did and went right back under it.

And when I say that I move the filter I don't mean I move it all the way. I just move it enough to get him out from under it then put it back in it's place. There are also three plants in there that he hides in when he's not under the filter, but he seems to really like the filter.

You say that 10 gallons isn't suitable for another one like him? There are only 6 other fish in there, and from what I read on another site it's ok to have up to 12 or 15 small fish in there. The store that I got him from says that he won't get any bigger than 4 inches. Even one more wouldn't be ok?
The guy is probably lying.
Isn't it one gallon per two inches of fish?

I suggest giving away two, and maybe geting another one.

My bronze cory albinos come out for food, and when tootles (Finless from a nasty fish) is out.
:no: Nooooo, it's not true. You can't put 15 fish in a 10 gallon tank!! Good lord that man was giving you a line and a half. :crazy: If you want your fish to stay happy and healthy you don't want anymore fish in that tank. You could take a couple out and have a second upsidedown cat in there or you could aim for a bigger tank. Or find the little guy a new home and put in a couple more of the fish you already have. :)
I'm eventually planning a slightly bigger tank, or another one all together. *Santa's coming soon :D :fun: * I just can't get one but so large...I live in an apartment on the top floor with only steps. suggested, giving away or finding new homes for any of my fish is out of the question. I'm stubborn and have grown to love them already :wub: So he's just going to have to stay an only child until I come up with the funds for a bigger tank, or another tank...Or Santa comes and brings me one! I just hope he is eating...I can only assume he is since he's still alive....But it still appears as if all the food I put in for him is still there after each feeding *AM before work at 7, and PM around 7 or 8* As for now, it's around time for dinner time and there is still his food there from this morning. He's getting along ok with the other fish, they swim over to the filter and hang out and none of them fight or bother each other. We'll see....

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