Upset Betta? And A Few Other Questions,


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2012
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one of my females are rather sad, im not sure if it is over her egg sack being full or something else, i had her with a few other as i thought females till now, lets just say they were young and i could not tell the dif, ~,~ one of my males and females look almost 100% alike, other then she has a white belly and a very hard to see egg spot,

ok so is there a easy way of helping her relax, it is not so much that she is running around ramming the glass, though shes not swimming around much at all, staying in the same spot most of the time, then going for a small swim around,
i know salt can help a bit, but im not sure of how much to put in, not to mention shes in a breeding tank, the section she is in is heated though right now i cant filter it, at most all i could do is move her into the breeding zone, witch is filtered, though im trying to mate 1 of my males right now, if he makes his bubble nest in another zone it is a real pain in the #17##### ~,~.

ok the other questions are,
dose anyone know of the name of a fish med, i used to use it though i ran out not to mention it got wet ~,~ so the cover sticker is dead,
the med helped with fin regrowth and it cleaned up tap water, it also had a few other little additives, like one was to help make colors stand out more, though i never saw that take any effect, i know for a fact that it did help with healing

other then blood worms, microworms and freeze dried... is there anything nice that i can feed frys and as a treat for the adults, i dont really like using freeze dried, i find that my older guy dose not like it too much, really wont even touch it,
reason for other then blood worms, micro, and freeze dried, i cant seam to get them around here, im trying to find a place close by that i can go to somewhat often that sells them, but ~,~ no luck so far,

btw if you live in Australia, nsw in, or around the blue mountains and you know of a shop other then the ones in Lithgow and Bathurst plz tell, lol i go to there shops allot, though lithogw is always ordering it in, and bathurst... well lets just say they sell half dead bettas, charge 10$ for lively little "female" frys (and clame there fully grown) and the "" is for a reason, they were only frys i would say no more then 1 month old from my exp, anyway at least 1 of them so far is a male, the other 2 im pretty sure are female now though 1 of them im still finding it hard to find her egg spot, not that i have not found it at least 1 time already,
and pretty much the only reason why i got them, was that they were still lively, and i didnt want to let them kill them slowly, that and ~,~ the guy i was going to buy some more females off pulled out at the last min the 3 of the 4 i had died from old age, anyway even so they were lively 2 out of 5 didnt make it.
dont get me wrong about the lithogw shop though, they are pretty good with there fish, bettas get to share the heated safe tanks, just it is hard to get anything off them that you need like blood worms ~,~ most of the food they have is ok though they dont keep things like aqua one betta pellets (only thing so far my oldest betta will eat)

sorry bit of a rant there ~,~
Hi mate, can you just clarify for me.

- How big is her tank, and what other stock is in there with her?
- What decoration/plants do you have? Is it densly planted or rather open?
- What are your water readings?
- Does she have any damage on her fins etc?

For now though, just ensure the lights are switched off, and response as soon as u can.

p.s. live or frozen brine shrimp will be appreciated. Also try some cucumber (with something weighting it down), peeled grapes, peeled boiled (1min) peas etc
Hi mate, can you just clarify for me.

- How big is her tank, and what other stock is in there with her?
- What decoration/plants do you have? Is it densly planted or rather open?
- What are your water readings?
- Does she have any damage on her fins etc?

For now though, just ensure the lights are switched off, and response as soon as u can.

p.s. live or frozen brine shrimp will be appreciated. Also try some cucumber (with something weighting it down), peeled grapes, peeled boiled (1min) peas etc

PH reading is normal, 7.0 ~ 7.1
temp 73 ~ 75, (thats as high as i can get it right now im waiting for a bigger heater to come in,though it is pretty good at 74, depending on how cold room temp is)

60G tank, split up into zones, shes is in a 10G zone, sadly right now unfiltered, im working getting a filter that will work for each of the 3 zones, braking any bubble nests,

water is fresh, and i do a 5% change every day in the heated zone,
away from her so not to upset her more, i also fix the new water and let it sit with a floor bubble filter over night, b4 i add it, (bubble filter is only good for moving the water around it is too strong and weak at the same time dose not clean but puts out a current to kill)

decor and plants are not in right now, in the mid of cleaning them,
(new breeding tank, though if you think it is a good idea i can put 1 or 2 fake plants in with her, have her in there to heal and calm down most of all, though if chance comes around i would like to breed her, (egg sack is visibly full, i was thinking that might be bothering her also, though i have never seen anything like that)

there is a little damage on her tail, though not much, a little rip mostly, she was breathing hard thats why i moved her out of the main tank, it had a male that i thought till a few days ago was female (funny thing about that, though for another day)

i really got to remember to fix this dam pad mouse on my laptop take the stupid tap to click crap off

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