Upgrading Tank Advice


Oct 6, 2008
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Cornwall, UK
Hi, I've just got a 175 litre tank, I'm not sure yet wether to put the contents of my existing 57litre tank (details of stock in sig) or go marine! What I want to know is, if I decide to keep it tropical and put all my fish and both my filters (I'm running 2 in it as I had planned to get another tank the same size so put an extra filter in to prepare the bacteria) in it, will the bacteria cope with the extra water capacity or will it start a cycle?
If the small tank currently has 2 filters, then each will be balanced to cope with 1/2 of the Bio-Load

So if you put one in the other tank, with all the fish, you will get a mini-cycle.

However, it shouldn't cause you too many problems - general concensus is that the bacteria can double in size in 24 hours - so at worst you're looking at a couple of days.

Fill the tank, dechlor the water, let it warm up to the same temp as the small tank - put the filter and the fish in.

Then I'd do a 30% water change the next day.

Of course, you need to check your water (ammonia, nitrite) every day while you're doing this to ensure nothing goes wrong.

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