Hey guys,
A little while ago I posted about a betta I was attempting to rehabilitate;
He has a fungal infection. :'(
He has a spot of white cotton-wooly stuff near the front of his dorsal and on one of his gills! D:
I only saw it this morning.
I've started a course of treatment, and I put an aerator in there because apparently this brand sucks the oxygen from the water..
I'm not sure what brought it on, but I had bought some plants for him originally, and there wasn't enough light and they started to melt.
So I pulled the ones furthest from the window out because they seemed to be faring the worst, then the next day removed the rest. So maybe it was them rotting that brought it on?
I've been doing really regular water changes since putting him in here, and I bought him some IAL, he's had two of them for about a week.
I thought he was doing so well,
But now this, and he's been hanging out alot at the bottom near a rock. :'(
Like he gets up and darts about but ends back there.
He has been doing this since I removed the plants, so maybe he just feels safer there and it isn't related to the fungus?
I dunno.
I really love him..
Is there anything else I can be doing for him?
A little while ago I posted about a betta I was attempting to rehabilitate;
He has a fungal infection. :'(
He has a spot of white cotton-wooly stuff near the front of his dorsal and on one of his gills! D:
I only saw it this morning.
I've started a course of treatment, and I put an aerator in there because apparently this brand sucks the oxygen from the water..
I'm not sure what brought it on, but I had bought some plants for him originally, and there wasn't enough light and they started to melt.
So I pulled the ones furthest from the window out because they seemed to be faring the worst, then the next day removed the rest. So maybe it was them rotting that brought it on?
I've been doing really regular water changes since putting him in here, and I bought him some IAL, he's had two of them for about a week.
I thought he was doing so well,
But now this, and he's been hanging out alot at the bottom near a rock. :'(
Like he gets up and darts about but ends back there.
He has been doing this since I removed the plants, so maybe he just feels safer there and it isn't related to the fungus?
I dunno.
I really love him..
Is there anything else I can be doing for him?