Unwanted Red Crabs (possibly Red Claw)

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Sep 23, 2012
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I have been browsing this forum for the last few weeks when I came across this thread http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/28975-red-clawed-crab/
I have been sold a Red Crab (although it may be a red claw crab as the claws are redder than the rest of it.) I set up my first tropical freshwaater aquarium back in July and the local fish shop has been a great assistance until 4 weeks ago when I went in and was served by a different shop assistant who sold me two of these crabs, so far they haven't attacked the fish other than the other day when I saw them chase the Ancistrus off of a pleco disk. Now I have read the above link I don't think it is fair on the fish or the crabs to be in a freshwater tank so I have two questions.

1) How can I keep the crabs healthily in ice cream tubs with tank water until I can find someone to take them, should I add cooking salt (it's all I have). They are in separate tubs and I have canted the tubs so they have a bit a dry 'land' to go onto. I have chucked half a pleco disc into each tub to feed them and I have put air holes on the tubs. Due to work and opening times I won't be able to get back to the shop until next Saturday.

2) Does anyone in the Herts/Essex area want two Red (clawed) crabs for their Brackish tanks? Free of charge, they deserve a good home!

You can't put all the blame onto the fish shop - You shouldn't buy anything from a fish shop that you haven't adequately researched yourself.

Don't put cooking salt in them - Do some online research and keep them at the right temperature or even better - take them back to the shop or donate them to another fish shop - You should accept a loss on these in the interest of the fish and learn a lesson from this - I call it idiot tax.
I have been browsing this forum for the last few weeks when I came across this thread http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/28975-red-clawed-crab/
I have been sold a Red Crab (although it may be a red claw crab as the claws are redder than the rest of it.) I set up my first tropical freshwaater aquarium back in July and the local fish shop has been a great assistance until 4 weeks ago when I went in and was served by a different shop assistant who sold me two of these crabs, so far they haven't attacked the fish other than the other day when I saw them chase the Ancistrus off of a pleco disk. Now I have read the above link I don't think it is fair on the fish or the crabs to be in a freshwater tank so I have two questions.

1) How can I keep the crabs healthily in ice cream tubs with tank water until I can find someone to take them, should I add cooking salt (it's all I have). They are in separate tubs and I have canted the tubs so they have a bit a dry 'land' to go onto. I have chucked half a pleco disc into each tub to feed them and I have put air holes on the tubs. Due to work and opening times I won't be able to get back to the shop until next Saturday.

2) Does anyone in the Herts/Essex area want two Red (clawed) crabs for their Brackish tanks? Free of charge, they deserve a good home!


ok if you have a container. oh i dont know about, 12 inches long by 6 or 8 inches wide and 8 inches deep.

put a good handful of gravel at one end,(make sure its well above the water line) then put 3 inches of water in. (use Marine salt) about 5PPT
you will need to heat the water, or just put it in an airing cupboard. adding a light above, will give a decent temp when the crabs are on land. (which is most of the time.)
I'd do 100% daily water changes too.

I'd love to take em, but am in Leicester and cant drive (any more)

whilst i agree with the jist of Thedoctors comments, i was caught out myself, on first buying crabs. so know how you feel
though i agree you can't "rely" on the info given by LFS, you should be able to. (9after all if you bought a car that ran on diesel, and you were told it ran on petrol, you would be rightly upset. i see no difference here.)
so i stand by you in blaming the LFS, but agreeing you must share part of the blame.
The classic fish shop lie haha how big is your crab they can live pretty well ina tropical tank for suprisingly long ive had mine about 6 months now but had to change tanks recently as he found a good hiding spot to wait for fish and caught 2 of my platys.

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