I have been browsing this forum for the last few weeks when I came across this thread http
I have been sold a Red Crab (although it may be a red claw crab as the claws are redder than the rest of it.) I set up my first tropical freshwaater aquarium back in July and the local fish shop has been a great assistance until 4 weeks ago when I went in and was served by a different shop assistant who sold me two of these crabs, so far they haven't attacked the fish other than the other day when I saw them chase the Ancistrus off of a pleco disk. Now I have read the above link I don't think it is fair on the fish or the crabs to be in a freshwater tank so I have two questions.
1) How can I keep the crabs healthily in ice cream tubs with tank water until I can find someone to take them, should I add cooking salt (it's all I have). They are in separate tubs and I have canted the tubs so they have a bit a dry 'land' to go onto. I have chucked half a pleco disc into each tub to feed them and I have put air holes on the tubs. Due to work and opening times I won't be able to get back to the shop until next Saturday.
2) Does anyone in the Herts/Essex area want two Red (clawed) crabs for their Brackish tanks? Free of charge, they deserve a good home!

I have been sold a Red Crab (although it may be a red claw crab as the claws are redder than the rest of it.) I set up my first tropical freshwaater aquarium back in July and the local fish shop has been a great assistance until 4 weeks ago when I went in and was served by a different shop assistant who sold me two of these crabs, so far they haven't attacked the fish other than the other day when I saw them chase the Ancistrus off of a pleco disk. Now I have read the above link I don't think it is fair on the fish or the crabs to be in a freshwater tank so I have two questions.
1) How can I keep the crabs healthily in ice cream tubs with tank water until I can find someone to take them, should I add cooking salt (it's all I have). They are in separate tubs and I have canted the tubs so they have a bit a dry 'land' to go onto. I have chucked half a pleco disc into each tub to feed them and I have put air holes on the tubs. Due to work and opening times I won't be able to get back to the shop until next Saturday.
2) Does anyone in the Herts/Essex area want two Red (clawed) crabs for their Brackish tanks? Free of charge, they deserve a good home!