Unknown fish

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2004
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Andover, Well.... Hampshire, south England, UK
Hi, my brother bought a fish the other day and i dont really know what exact fish it is here is a description of it because i dont have a picture.

Its a yellow/sandy kind of colour
It is around 10cm's long and quite thin
It has a bristly nose
Looks a bit like an eel crossed with a loach with a catfish's bristle whiskers
It has small clear (translucent) side fins. Its belly is more white/creamy colour and its upper part is more of a sandy brown colour (it looks slightly speckled)

If anyone has any ideas i would be very greatful.

Thanks again Ian
Seems like a golden chinese algae eater, I think the scientific name is Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri (I have one). If it is that species then be warned they become very aggresive. Usualy they are sold as algae eaters when young and do fine in an aquarium, but when they are mature they stop eating algae and start sucking on other fish.
no it's not. we checked out some images and it definately isn't. i think it's quite young. it seems to like hiding in wierd positions..like camouflaging itself as a piece of plant and kind of standing on end.it's alot more sandy yellow/brown than gold.

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