Underwater Camera Video Of My 150 Gallon Oddball/predator


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Just thought I would add a video of my 150 Gallon Oddball/Predator tank. It is my first attempt using the underwater camera from inside the tank so I assume it will get better as I go. Really enjoy this tank, its so active and really peacful considering what's in there. The tank itself is a grow out tank and should only have these fish in for around a year now. I will probably get rid of the Tinfoils soon. Unfortunately one has Gill Curl (it can be seen on the vid), so once I clear that up I may shift them on.
Like that fish at the end approaching the camera. Can just imagine it saying, "Hey look at me Mum, I'm a film star!!!"
Haha yeah, it is a little character that thing. Unfortunately the battery went on the camera at that point, I reckon it would have been there for ages eyeing up the camera
The Knife is a Golden Royal mate
Criekey thats a lot of fish!! What kind of Vieja is that? Zonatum?
Its a Red Head cichlid mate - Paratheraps Bifasciatus
There are a lot in there although I think the Tinfoils make it look more, they are nearly 9" now some of them. These will all be in a 1000+ gallon in just over as year so no real concerns, the 5x2.5x2 is ok for now

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