Soon I'm going to be able to get my ten gallon situated again. I really want another betta. Petco had a giant king betta (like bigger than usual) with some excellent finnage. I want him, but I don't think he'll still be in the shop by the time I get this sorted.
I only plan on running a heater and lights. I want to plant it well enough that I don't need to run a filter because the only filters I have right now (I left half my fish stuff at my friend's house a few hours away because it would not fit in my car during my move and I haven't had the time/money to drive back up to collect my fish stuff) are way too big for a ten gallon. They run at about 250 gallons per hour, which I wouldn't mind using in a ten gallon depending on the stock, but for just one betta it wouldn't work. Plus they are too bulky for this size, I think.
Anyway, so I want to do plenty of plants, some driftwood, floating plants, sand substrate. I need to get a new hood for the tank before I stock with any friends.
This tank will be going upstairs in my bedroom which conveniently has a sink in it (apparently they couldn't fit it in my bathroom).
What do you guys think about this plant list? I'm going to start with low light plants and then when I get my fish box back, I'll use some better LEDs that I have.
Java fern
Java moss (taken from my shrimp tank, should grow back in the twenty gallon)
Frogbit (or whatever floaters I can find at a decent price on aquabid)
Crypts (thinking wendtii and stuff?)
Anubias species
Do any of you guys know if these plants don't tolerate heat well?
I only plan on running a heater and lights. I want to plant it well enough that I don't need to run a filter because the only filters I have right now (I left half my fish stuff at my friend's house a few hours away because it would not fit in my car during my move and I haven't had the time/money to drive back up to collect my fish stuff) are way too big for a ten gallon. They run at about 250 gallons per hour, which I wouldn't mind using in a ten gallon depending on the stock, but for just one betta it wouldn't work. Plus they are too bulky for this size, I think.
Anyway, so I want to do plenty of plants, some driftwood, floating plants, sand substrate. I need to get a new hood for the tank before I stock with any friends.
This tank will be going upstairs in my bedroom which conveniently has a sink in it (apparently they couldn't fit it in my bathroom).
What do you guys think about this plant list? I'm going to start with low light plants and then when I get my fish box back, I'll use some better LEDs that I have.
Java fern
Java moss (taken from my shrimp tank, should grow back in the twenty gallon)
Frogbit (or whatever floaters I can find at a decent price on aquabid)
Crypts (thinking wendtii and stuff?)
Anubias species
Do any of you guys know if these plants don't tolerate heat well?